
I've been making various types of projects some of them were basics and some of them were complicated. So far I've made 15 projects.

Money Mate

Money Mate

I have Created an expense tracker app that uses Google Sheets as backed and you can insert your expenses or income and the data gets stored in Google Sheets. I have made this using Flutter and Dart.

FlutterDartGoogle SheetsVS Code
Indian Coderz

Indian Coderz

We have created a Platform where students can track their performance across all coding platforms like Leetcode, Codechef, Codefroces and Github. We have also created different Platform based Leaderboards and a College Name Filter funcationality

React.jsMaterial UIMongoDBNetlifyNodemailerGithubRenderFramer-Motion
College Wit

College Wit

We have created a Platform where students can ask Questions to their seniors. They can get Guidance, Mentorship, Previous Year Questions and many other resources through the website.

React.jsMaterial UIFirebaseNetlifyEmailJSGithubFigma - AI Based Yoga Trainer - AI Based Yoga Trainer

We have created a Platform where yoga enthusiast can asses their Yoga Poses using AI and also exercise daily for better lifestyle.

React.jsMaterial UITensorFlowNetlifyGoogle CloudGithub
Employee Management System

Employee Management System

I have created an authentication based Employee Management System. In this we can do all CRUD Operations like Adding, Updating, Deleting an Employee.

React.jsTailwind CSSExpress.jsNodeMongoDB AtlasGithub
Geeks For Geeks RCOEM Website

Geeks For Geeks RCOEM Website

GFG RCOEM Chapter is a student based community lead by Kush Munot. The Chapter aims to provide top notch skills to students in RCOEM Campus

React.jsMaterial UINode.jsMongoDBGithubVercel
Unlock - Password Strength Checker

Unlock - Password Strength Checker

Created a 100% safe Password Strength Checker that asks you for data related to Password but not the Password itself. I have used the Password Entropy Concept to Check the Strength of the Password.

React.jsMaterial UINotionMarkdownGithub
Python Image Package

Python Image Package

The Package is a onestop solution for Image Filter Processing

PythonOpenCVVS CodeMarkdownGithub
React.js Workshop Event Page

React.js Workshop Event Page

Codechef RCOEM Chapter held an Online Workshop where the Speaker, Mr.Rohit Nagbhidkar has taught the students React.js in 6 hrs. I had made the Events page for the Event.

React.js Portfolio v1

React.js Portfolio v1

In The React.js Workshop I learnt React.js and tried to make my very first Portfolio Website. It is fully responsive and made using React.js and Material UI

React.jsMaterial UINetlifyGithub
Background Changing Weather App

Background Changing Weather App

The App uses Open Weather API and changes the background of the Window according to the weather. This gives uniqueness to the Project.

Briefly Website

Briefly Website

During my Internship at Briefly - A SASS Market Place i had worked on React.js Material UI and Created a Vendor Application of 100+ screens in the Internship. The vendor page is in pre MVP and will be deployed soon.

React.jsMaterial UIMongoDBNetlifyFigmaGithub
Calculator Project

Calculator Project

During my learning phase in Webdevelopment I had made this theme changing Calculator project.

Basic Portfolio

Basic Portfolio

In the learning phase i had made this beautiful and minimal Portfolio website deployed on Netlify. It is fully responsive and works on all display sizes.

The Imperial Lubricants Website

The Imperial Lubricants Website

My First Intership at The Imperial Lubricants was as a Web Developer. I had created the website in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript
